Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Video Blog Critique

For my last blog critique I still agree on what I said at first, I needed more. One of those points is having more B-Roll with the Stewart couple. I did feel the video needed more from them because their story was more interesting due to the fact that they have been around longer and have more of a compelling story.
For the intro, I agree with the font, the size, and it was hard to see with a B/W photographs of the Lovings. I took the font out and place it with a voice over instead. Long silence does make a story kinda vague. I took some unnecessary story boards out to make it stick with what the documentary is really about. Lower the volume, made it equal to the rest of the sound of the video. Took the title boards out from interviewing Memphians and tourist. Also took out the first couple of the video due to the fact that it was insulting and the harsh language from Craig Monfort speaking some women.
I hope this Revise Video is a little better from the first one. I do feel that it needs more work but it is my first Documentary and I have learn a lot from this one video and critiques from the class and hopefully I take what I learn and make my next Documentary better for my final :-)

1 comment:

  1. I feel like your intent is to show how difficult life is for this family, and how having a child in this condition can also be impairing to the family's lives.

    The structure of the film seems to be a more linear approach, beginning in the morning and ending in the evening. I believe it works, but once you start filming you might see another trend that you'd like to follow rather than one that is related to time.

    Your strength is that the visuals are well-thought out, with how the camera will be positioned, what will appear on-screen, and what types of shots and B-roll you will need.

    I think you could work on wording the questions, they are a little awkward and grammatically could use some work. I think the question "when did you know something was wrong with her" is worded a little too harshly, maybe you could tone it down and ask when they realized she wouldn't be able to function like a normal child or something like that.
    Also, my main concern is actually that you have the shots so well-planned that once you start filming, you might not get enough extra shots. Just make sure you don't only get the shots that you've posted here in case something goes wrong :)
