Monday, January 31, 2011

Self-Critique for Assignment#1

For my first project I open the scene showing the character's environment of where she is currently living. I try to convey to the audience that something was bothering her. To accomplish this I take the viewers on a journey through the life of my character. We visit four houses during filming with each one representing the character at a different stage of her life. Along the way to each location film will be taken of the communities where each house resides. These four location will give the viewers a sense of where the character came from. The final scene shows the character coming home from her journey and reflecting out the window on her past and she realizes that she has to let go of the negative aspects and let life guide her on a positive journey.
I wanted the class to see a little of who the character is and know that you have to go through some troubling times to get where you are now and focus on the current tasks in front of you.
The assignment was sense of place and for some reason I could not think of anything. I started to reflect on where I am now and how I got to where I am. This was not an overnight thought process, it was more of a gradual discovery over an eight month period and more of myself dealing with past issues and trying to let go and move away from it.
After finishing the project I know some scene were too long and probably not necessary to put in, but due to being my first short film I wanted some strong critiques and suggestion.

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